Showing 126 - 148 of 148 Results
Protestant Exiles from France in the Reign of Louis XIV; Or, the Huguenot Refugees & Their D... by David C a 1821-1887 Agnew ISBN: 9780342884841 List Price: $25.95
Protestant Exiles from France in the Reign of Louis XIV; Or, the Huguenot Refugees & Their D... by David C a 1821-1887 Agnew ISBN: 9780344928581 List Price: $26.95
Protestant Exiles from France in the Reign of Louis XIV; Or, the Huguenot Refugees & Their D... by David C a 1821-1887 Agnew ISBN: 9780344928598 List Price: $42.95
Protestant Exiles from France in the Reign of Louis XIV : Or, the Huguenot Refugees and Thei... by Agnew, David C. A. (David C... ISBN: 9781015218901 List Price: $19.95
Theology of Consolation, or, an Account of Many Old Writings and Writers on That Subject by Agnew, David C. A. ISBN: 9780343289874 List Price: $28.95
Theology of Consolation, or, an Account of Many Old Writings and Writers on That Subject by Agnew, David C. A. ISBN: 9780343289867 List Price: $18.95
Geraldine, Vol. 3 : A Tale of Conscience (Classic Reprint) by Agnew, Emily C. ISBN: 9781527652156 List Price: $13.57
Tales Explanatory of the Sacraments, by the Authoress of 'Geraldine' by Eleanor C Agnew ISBN: 9781358978647 List Price: $26.95
The Convent Prize Book, a Selection of Verses by the Authoress of 'Geraldine' by Eleanor C Agnew ISBN: 9781357004101 List Price: $23.95
Catalogue of Modern Pictures and Water Colour Drawings from Various Sources : Which Will Be ... by Woods, Christie Manson and ISBN: 9780364287699 List Price: $7.97
Protestant Exiles from France: Vol. 2 by Agnew, David C. A. ISBN: 9783382125271
Protestant Exiles from France: Vol. 2 by Agnew, David C. A. ISBN: 9783382125264
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